Today it became necessary to visit the NEX here on base and get some supplies. Namely, a training potty for our kiddo. She has been doing so well with potty training and we didn't want this trip to set her back too far. So we all strapped on our shoes and walked down to the NEX, where the husband took his leave of us for the day to get some work done.
After several days of living out of suitcases with limited beauty products and energy, I decided to put a little something extra into how I looked today. I put on makeup. I put product in my hair.
Then I stepped outside, into the humidity of Sasebo, and realized I had just wasted part of my morning. In mere minutes my hair was a frizzy mess, and my face was a splotchy pink mix of irritation and sweat. Then I got to chase my ever curious daughter around the base, and subsequently around the NEX, and realized any hopes of presentable attractiveness were lost for the morning. With that off my shoulders, I got to focus on not losing track of my increasingly mobile and independent toddler.
Little miss Aria has recently discovered that if she holds on to the handle of the shopping cart, she can hang and swing like a monkey as Mommy pushes. "I'm a monkey! I'm like a monkey!" she says. It is a pocket of happiness and laughter in the otherwise chore-like process of shopping out of necessity instead of desire.
She has been wanting a backpack all her own for quite some time now, but most places don't sell high quality backpacks her size, with padding in the straps and well shaped features. But today, we found THE backpack. $24 (MSRP!!) later my monkey is the proud owner of a toddler sized Hello Kitty backpack that is as adorable as it was overpriced. The stroke of luck is that her travel cup fits perfectly into it, meaning she can haul her own snacks, juice, and even diapers now. That makes me a fan of this overpriced bag. Did I mention it was overpriced? Because I feel it was overpriced. Especially since I also bought myself a wallet today, and it cost me $1.97.
In no time the $24 will prove to have been a profitable investment.