Saturday, September 22, 2012

Aria's Antics

There is an episode of Dora the Explorer, "Doctor Dora," which has made quite the impression on our daughter.  In it, Dora uses a stethoscope to listen to Boots the Monkey's heart.  She jokingly puts the scope on Boots' head and says "Is Boots' heart here? *Pause* No, that's his head."  Then she does the same thing with his foot until she finds his heart in his chest on the third try.  Aria has taken to this game, and using a rock she found, was playing doctor with Daddy. 

"Is Boots' heart here?"  
"No, that's Daddy's tummy."  
"Is Daddy's heart here?"  
"No, that's Daddy's cheek."  
"Is Boots' heart here?"
"No, that's Daddy's ear."

Then I chimed in and, pointing to/gently poking Aria, said: "THAT'S Daddy's heart. Right there!"  Before anyone could soak up the "awwww" factor of the moment, she corrected me and said "No! That's not Daddy's heart.  That's my shoulder!"  

Touche, Aria.  Touche.

After eating the famous/infamous Sasebo Burger, my husband made a heart-attack related joke while driving.  He said something along the lines of "Hrmmm... only one of my arms is tingly. There's a ringing in my ears, and I'm going a bit blind."  He was joking, of course, and had a huge grin on his face the whole time as he saw how it was irking me.  I finally said to him "That's NOT funny! That's not a funny joke." 

Aria, from the back seat, chimed in, "It IS funny!"  

Hubby starts busting up laughing instantly, while I sit there scowling and smirking at the same time (much trickier than you'd think).  Aria reiterates her point, saying "The joke IS funny."

I was just about to get peeved with her, too, when she starts singing "The joke is funny.  The joke is funny," to the tune of The Farmer In the Dell.

Even I had to laugh at that.

Only moments later, we were in the hotel room singing songs, and Aria insisted we sing Old MacDonald.  But she wanted to sing "Old MacDonald had a pig."  So we went with it, and sang it like this:

"Old MacDonald had a pig, E-I-E-I-O
And on that pig he had some mud, E-I-E-I-O
With a mud mud here, and a mud mud there
Here a mud, there a mud, everywhere a mud mud
Old MacDonald had a pig, E-I-E-I-O."

THEN Aria wanted to sing "Old MacDonald had a Mommy."  Keeping in the same vein, we sang:

"Old MacDonald had a Mommy, e-i-e-i-o.
And on that Mommy he had a ____"

At this point we go silent so Aria can fill in the blank.  So she chimes in "DADDY!"

Hubby was a trooper and finished the song, while I tried not to fall out of the bed from laughing so hard.

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